W.E.B. DuBois, Philosopher
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Civil Rights Leader
Dick Gregory, Civic Activist
Paul Robeson, Civil Rights Leader, Actor, Singer
Lester Granger, former Executive Director of the National Urban League
Whitney M. Young Jr., former Executive Director of the National Urban League
Charles Hamilton, Houston former NAACP Legal Counsel
Jow Duff, NAACP Attorney
Hugh B. Price, National Urban League Executive Director
Marc Morial, Mayor New Orlean, LA; President of National Urban League
Thurgood Marshall, U.S. Supreme Court
Andrew Young, former US Congress Representative (GA) and former Mayor (GA)
Harold Ford, U.S. Representative (TN)
Maynard Jackson, Mayor - Atlanta, GA
Charles Rangel, U.S. Representative (NY)
David Dinkins, Mayor - New York, NY
Marion Barry, Mayor -Washington, DC
Willie Brown, Assembly Speaker (CA)
Dennis Archer, Mayor - Detroit, MI
Lee Brown, Mayor -Houston, TX
Edward W. Brooke, former U.S. Senator (MA)
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., former U.S. Representative (NY)
William Dawson, former U.S. Representative (IL)
William Coleman, Secretary of Transportation
William H. Gray III, U.S. Representative (PA), UNCF President & CEO
Julian Dixon U.S., Representative (CA)
Ronald Dellum U.S., Representative (CA)
Damon J. Keith U.S., Court of Appeals Six Circuit
Terrence Todman, Ambassador to Denmark
Charles Mahoney, United Nations
Channing H. Tobias, Delegate to the United Nations
Hubert Humphrey, U.S. Vice President
Clarence Pendleton, U.S. Civil Rights Commission
Ralph Metcalfe, U.S. Representative (IL)
Samuel Pierce, U.S. Secretary of HUD
Harry Edwards, U.S. Court of Appeals
O. Rudolph Aggrey, former U.S. Ambassador to Romania
U.W. Clemon, U.S. District Court Federal Judge
James A. Joseph, U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of South Africa
Ralph Metcalfe, former U.S. Representative (IL)
Henry Marsh, Mayor - Richmond, VA
Lawrence Crawford, Mayor - Suffolk VA
Walter Washington, Mayor - Washington, DC
Ernest Morial, Mayor - New Orleans, LA
Richard Arrington, Mayor - Birmingham, AL
Lionel Wilson, Mayor - Oakland, CA
Roland Burris, Comptroller - State of Illinois
Dr. Arthur Jefferson, Superintendent - Detroit Public Schools
Thomas V. Barnes, Mayor - Gary, Indiana
Emanuel Cleaver, Mayor Kansas City, MO
Norman Rice, Mayor - Seattle, WA
Eugene Sawyer, Chicago, IL
L.D. Milton, President - Citizens Bank
N.B. Herndon, President - Atlanta Life Insurance Co.
Thomas P. Harris, President- Chicago Metropolitan Insurance Co.
Henry G. Parks, President - Parks Meat Co.
Joshua Smith, President - Maxima Corporation
Wayman Smith, Anheuser - Busch
Thomas J. Burrell, Burrell Advertising
W. Melvin Brown, American Developing Corporation
Eugene Jackson, World African Network CEO
Cornell West, Educator, Philosopher and Author
Charles Harris, Wesley Educator, Historian
Garrett A. Morgan, Inventor (Sewing Machine)
John Hope Franklin, Historian
Mal Goode, Journalist
John H. Johnson, Publisher
Countee Cullen, Poet
Benjamin Quarles, Historian
Calvin Barnett, President of Coppin St. College
E. Franklin Frazier, Sociologist
William Strother, Professor of Psychology Princeton University
Frederick Patterson, Founder - United Negro College Fund
James Cheek, President - Howard University
Earl Richardson, President Morgan State University
Luna I. Mishoe, President - Delaware State College
Fred A. Gordon, Brigadier General - AUS-West Point
Benjamin Hacker, Rear Admiral of US Navy Commander
Samuel Gravely, Admiral - USN
James McCall, Major General - AUS
Winston Scott, NASA Astronaut
Edward Honor, Major General - AUS
Roscoe Cartwright, General - AUS
Charles A. Hines, Major General – Ret. US Army
Duke Ellington, Music Legend
Stuart Scott, TV Sports Analyst
Roland Martin, Journalist & Television Host
Keenen-Ivory Wayans, Actor & Writer
Lionel Richie, Singer and Songwriter
Gerald Albright, Jazz Musician
Donny Hathaway, Singer & Musician
Lionel Hampton, Music Legend
Antonio Hart, Jazz Musician
Darryl Bell, Movie Actor & Network TV
Tony Brown, Journalist & TV Producer
Jerry Butler, Singer
Keith Garrett, Network TV Executive Producer
John Hurst Adams, Bishop & Founder of National Black Churches
Harold Davis, President of the American Baptist Churches
T.J. Jemison, President of the National Baptist Convention
E. Edward Jones, President of the National Baptist Convention of America
Dr. Joe Samuel Ratliff, Brentwood Baptist Church – Houston, Texas
Levi Watkins, Medical Scientist
James Corner, Psychologist
Lasalle Lefalle, First African-American president of American Cancer Society
Louis Sullivan, President of Morehouse Medical School
Walt Bellamy, NBA
Junior Bridgeman, NBA
Quinn Buckner, NBA
Lenny Wilkins, NBA
Walt Frazier, NBA
Bobby Phills, NBA
Wes Unseld, NBA
Wayne Embry, NBA - General Manager Cleveland Cavaliers
Wes Chandler, NFL
Greg Coleman, 1st Black Punter, NFL
Charles Haley, NFL
Michael Jackson, NFL
Carnell Lake, NFL
Art Shell, NFL Hall of Fame
Eric Wright, NFL
Reggie Williams, NFL
Joe Green, NFL
Eugene Upshaw, Executive Director with the NFL¹s Player¹s Association
Jesse Owens, Sports Legend - Track Star
Mike Powell, World record holder in the long jump - Track and Field
Eddie Robinson Coach, Grambling State University